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克里斯 · 朵仁博士






大卫 · 怀特伯瑞德博士


怀特伯瑞德博士曾担任剑桥大学教育学院之游玩之于教育,发展和学习研究中心(PEDAL)的代理主任(对外关系)。怀特伯瑞德博士于2000年代曾在许多教育研究领域工作过。怀特伯瑞德博士在儿童透过游戏学习的研究方面拥有超过30年经验。他是剑桥大学教育学院的创始成员之一。怀特伯瑞德博士同时为世界各地的许多教育机构的顾问,提供建议以改善他们的早期儿童学习计划。怀特伯瑞德博士将为我们的教学法,课程和软体内容提供建议。他也与我们的数学顾问佩妮 · 寇特曼女士一起编写游戏内容。


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萝尔娜 · 艾顿博士


Mr. Poshan (Sam) Yu is a committed yet versatile academic with extensive knowledge and experience in the fields of business finance and management, as well as marketing.

Mr. Yu started as a casual academic at The University of South Australia Business School and a marketing consultant for an Australian Chinese magazine. He then moved to China in 2015 as the vice president of Tinbowah Investment (Beijing). He is currently an adjunct professor/faculty at various universities in China and Thailand  (past and present), including Soochow University, SKEMA Business School (China), The Australian Studies Centre of Shanghai University, George Washington University MSF at Renmin University of China and Krirk University (Thailand).

Mr. Yu has diverse research interests and is published widely in the areas of blockchain, FinTech, EdTech, IoTs, startup, supply chain management, tourism, finance, IP, and digital marketing. His most recent book chapters include "Advancing STEM Education and Innovation in a Time of Distance Learning: Case Studies in China" and "Using “Digitalization + Intellectual Property” Management to Realize Cultural Economy: Case Study of Chinese Museums" and journal papers include "Innovative Financing: An Empirical Study on Public-Private Partnership Securitisation in China" and "Stock Payment, State Ownership and Innovation Performance in China’s Pharmaceutical M&As". He is also the associate editor of The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Social Science of KCA University in Kenya.

Mr. Yu joined
CAMathories® in 2021 and is responsible for formulating and implementing the strategic marketing direction in the Asia Pacific region. He brings with him 15 years of experience in business finance, venture capital, and marketing consulting in Australia and China (including Hong Kong).

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